Monday, 8 February 2016


Rating: 5 stars

Goodreads Book Description:
I had survived time. Above everything I had been through, every bruise, cut, blow to the head or blow to the heart, nothing left a scar quite like that of time. It was unreal to me that I was even still breathing. I felt like breathing was a chore, one that I could have and should have given up but by some crazy divine power, I was meant to live. Time was the enemy. Time was the hardest thing I would have to get through. I was haunted. Haunted by two ghosts and time.

Jackson Greene; the worst part of my life that would never let me be.

Vance Wait; the best thing that ever happened to me that left a sour taste in his wake. Two ghosts with two different motives.

I may be surviving time, but I had a feeling that time was going to eventually kill me.

My Review:
After the ending of the first book, Hide And Seek Her, I didn’t think I could take any more emotional rides with Vance, Charlotte and Riley but Hayley has yet again made me well up with tears! A beautiful continuation, stunning writing, plot twists that made me force myself to put the book down because it was just too much to process. But nonetheless I pushed on to finish the book with many tears, smiles, heartbreaks and screams – literally my emotions were a rollercoaster.

Hayley, how do you continue to write stories that make me feel this way? Why Riley? My poor angel Riley? *cries for days.

I kid you not when I say that I literally screamed at the end, I NEED the next book like I need oxygen!!

In all seriousness though, a massive thank you to Hayley who not only sent me this beautiful book but made me cry with joy to see I was mentioned in the “Acknowledgements”. I love you gorgeous, always supporting you x

Think lovely thoughts xo

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