Wednesday 7 November 2018


WOAH! Where did the time go?! It’s about time I came back!
I’m sure many of you may have noticed (if you’ve been keeping up with my blogging and bookstagram adventures), that I haven’t posted in a long time. Since March this year, about 7 months ago.

I took a break from blogging and bookstagram with no real explanation as to why, which in hindsight probably wasn’t the best move.
Nonetheless, I’m so excited to be back doing what I love, reading the latest books to hit the shelves, catching you up on the latest flicks and creating fun content for you all! Thus, I wanted to take this opportunity to catch you all up on what’s been happening over the past 7 months and what lies ahead!

Why I Took a Break from Blogging
Taking a break from blogging, something that has become such a huge part of my life for the past 4 years wasn’t what I’d ever really planned to do. It was just one of those things that just sort of happened, I guess.

This year has been a year of massive changes for me. I started my degree in communication and media – and let me tell you, you think they prepare you in high school for what uni will throw at you...they really don’t, it’s a whole new playing field.
I was swamped under mass amounts of assignments and listening to hours of lecture recordings; however, I feel like I’ve slowly got into a groove of things now and am feeling a lot better about how to handle whatever my course may throw at me.

When I wasn’t studying (or procrastinating), I was working. I started my first part-time job a couple of months ago – and it has been so rewarding! Between working 4 days a week and studying the other 3 days, I didn’t really have much time to read or watch any of the latest movies or produce any quality content for you all.

The biggest hurdle to have to overcome in terms of taking a break from blogging and getting swept up into this new lifestyle was the motivation. I felt lost and overwhelmed, I didn’t know what to post, my creativity just wasn’t flowing as it normally does. And it was scary, I at one point seriously considered just abandoning my blog and social media together because I felt like I couldn’t do it anymore.
But I am so damn fortunate to be surrounded by so many beautiful human beings who are constantly lighting up my life, pushing me to keep striving to do my best and take any opportunity that comes my way.
And thanks to those wonderful people and this truly loving bookstagram/book blogging community, I’ve found my groove and am back in action!

What’s Next for Limelight Literature?
Over the course of the last 7 months of being MIA, I’ve made some changes to the blog and how it’s set up. My old homepage was very basic, not easy to navigate your way around my blog. However, since I started this blog back in 2015, I’ve learned a lot about Blogger and I’ve gotten better at using it. Now, you’re able to easily find any book or movie review and any events, cover reveals or interviews I’ve posted!

Aside from the changes to the blog, I hope to pick up where I left off and actually continue planning and soon writing my first book! Yep, it’s been in the planning stages for a while now, unfortunately pushed to the side a bit whilst figuring out life choices, but I’m ready to pick it up again and have another crack at it. I plan on keeping you guys updated through both the blog and my other platforms so be sure to keep an eye out on this space in 2019!

There’s about a million more wonderful things I could tell you, I know 2019 is certainly going to be a huge year for me and I cannot wait for you to come along this fabulous rollercoaster of a ride with me!

Keep an eye on this space, plenty of new posts to come!

Think Lovely Thoughts xo

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