Tuesday 19 July 2016


Rating: 4.5 stars

Movie Description:
12-year-old orphan Peter is spirited away to the magical world of Neverland, where he finds both fun and danger, and ultimately discovers his destiny – to become the hero who will be forever known as Peter Pan.

My Review:
I’ve wanted to watch PAN for a while now, as I’m a big fan of the book written by J.M. Barrie and Walt Disney’s animation children’s classic.

PAN is quite different compared to the other adaptations of the classic tale. In this movie, the audience meets Blackbeard (Hugh Jackman) – a ruthless pirate planning to rule over Neverland by stealing pixie dust and enslaving children to retrieve it for him.
As the classic tale goes, there is of course the dastardly pirate, Captain Hook. However in PAN, there is a different side to Hook (Garrett Hedlund) where he is far less of a pirate, once a child slaving over pixie dust for Blackbeard. He makes a deal with newcomer Peter to escape Blackbeard’s control and flee Neverland, though first he must help Peter with his end of the deal – finding his mother.

Action, adventure, pure imagination and a twinge of romance, PAN certainly packs it all in for it’s audience. The wondrous world of Neverland exceeds any expectation I could have had, the contrast between Blackbeard’s dry, dusty and rocky lair and the brightly coloured jungle over the wall.

Think Lovely Thoughts xo

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